What is driving you to get out of bed in the morning? What are you worship ping? We allow so many things to block something is may be good for us, and we have gotten to the point where we are allowing those things to interfere with our relationship with God. No matter what season you are in in your life, you have to allow him to be the author and finisher of your faith. So, you have to focus less on people and material things and more on God and what he wants to do for you.
There is something that you are chasing every day, and you are leaving him out of the equation. If it’s “to become a better you” don’t you need him for understanding of who that person should be? If it’s to “stop judging others” wouldn’t you need his guidance and leadership?
How many remember the process of elimination in school, when we would have to take things out of the equation or the scenario that didn’t belong?
Well guess what, you have to do the same things when it comes to deciding what to eliminate from your life so that God can show up and show out for you.
Ask yourself these three questions to decide whether you should be focusing on that particular “thing” or God?
1. Which one is the reason that I am existing?
I know it may seem that this question is kind of hard because God wants you to have ALL that your heart desires... right? And yes that is definitely true, but does he want you to put those things before him? God is a jealous God, and the same way he will not tolerate having any other Gods before him, he will not tolerate having things or people before him.
2. Will this thing help me when I am making life decisions?
Hmmmm… if you were to pray to that thing, it would manifest right? WRONG!!!! Only God can do that. I've grown in my business so much over the last couple of months and it's only because I started to put God first. I knew that if he was going to bless it, I had to turn to him first, instead of depending on people themselves to show me that I was important.
3. Will it last forever?
Whew chilllee, I know that you realize know that these things will perish and the love of God will not. I’m telling you that God will never leave you nor forsake you, but do you believe that? It’s not enough to speak things and the word in your life if you do not believe it or exercise it.
I could go on and on with questions that would all lead you to the same answers, but I think you get it. Now, I am not telling you that you cannot want things in life, but we have to make it a habit of figuring out if God wants us to have them, and what he wants us to do with them.
1. You will gain clarity and a realization of the importance of not worshiping material things. Sometimes it's not enough for us to sit back and wait on what God wants to do in our lives, and we choose to channel our energy elsewhere. Choosing him over it all changes everything.
2. You will gain assurance. God will show you that he will show up in your life if you allow him to. He loves being able to allow you to brag on his goodness to others.
3. You will gain intimacy with God. You will begin to turn to him for all of your needs, not even thinking twice about it.
Take the time to eliminate the unnecessary in your life, and share this blog with your girls that you know will benefit from this change.
Please share!