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How to maintain your strength without feeling burnt out or helpless.

Updated: Jul 3, 2019


There are a few ways that you can assure yourself that you are becoming stronger without feeling that the world is crumbling just because you don’t.

Here’s the thing, when you are on a journey to becoming a better person, it should not matter how long its taking you to progress, but whether that you are PROGRESSING. Period. Always give yourself a pat on the back or celebrate your success when you do something that you thought you could not do.

It’s important to encourage yourself first.

What if you made it a priority to encourage other people as well? It only takes something as simple as a Social Media post, or a text message for someone who needs encouragement.

Stop worrying about the opinions of others and worry about what God thinks of you.

When you spend your time worrying about what others think of you, or even whether they feel that you should be progressing the way that you are, you are setting yourself up for distress. 9 times out 10 they are worried about you and your because they have nothing going for themselves. The only person that you should be trying to please is GOD (and of course yourself.. lol). Leave those people pleasers where they are, because they are going nowhere with you in this next season.

When you allow others to influence your happiness, you give them power over you.

This is important to me because my purpose is to help women turn their pain into power. In the past, I have spent time wondering if people thought that I should heal from the loss of my baby-girl, rather than actually realizing that this is what God wanted me to do. I believe that this is something we all must have.

It's easy to be dismayed by public opinion and judgement, and even when we build our strength up stronger, there are still some things that we have to go through.

It’s time to consider the things that you can do to keep that burn out away…


Making time for yourself in the same aspect that you make time for others can be of extreme importance. Sometimes we spend so much energy and focus making sure that others are taken care of that we don’t realize that we are neglecting ourselves.

It only takes a minute to plan out some things that you will do for you, the same way you plan family vacations and such. Now, this is not as hard as we sometimes make it out to be, because out focus here is to maintain, not to be exhausted.

There is often some type of resilience when it comes to this.

When I first had my Baby Boy, I was afraid to live my life the way that I did before him. I thought that I had to be secluded because he couldn’t be out in the weather as much being that he was a newborn, I thought I had to be secluded all the time because I was often tired…

It was a struggle to find out that just because he was my priority, that did not mean that I had to let myself go.

Making daily affirmations and encouraging myself was one of the things that I I had to do to stay sane. Life has it’s way of making you feel that you have to limit yourself to some things, but through my strength I found out that this was not true at all. …

RECENTLY, I read a Facebook post of a young woman who was just tired of life.

It hurt me to know that something can cause such a young person to give up on life in the blink of an eye. She recently lost her father, and she feels like the world is just a waste.

She received several comments on that post that were encouraging her to be positive.

She should use this as a means to keep going.

The reality is that you have to turn things around for yourself if no one else does.

Is there something that is right at your finger tips…

Using free resources that are available to you are another way to avoid burn out from your strength.

Just think about it, if you attend a church service it’s free, if you read Bible scriptures on the Internet.. it’s free, if you attend online church, it’s free. The problem comes in when you allow yourself to listen to EVERYBODY, because you can begin to get mixed signals on the direction you should go in. These people are vessels sent by God, so we never want to overwhelm ourselves into thinking that we have to listen to everybody.

For example, if you read an interpretation of a Bible Scripture on way on the Internet, but the Preacher has a totally different one, this does not mean that you are on the wrong track. You simply have to realize the reasons for these type of situations. There are many businesses dominating in this space.

🔖 When you realize that nothing happens overnight, you are on your way to gaining more freedom and clarity on your strength. It’s not enough that we have to go through the things that we go through, but finding and maintaining the balance is as important as the situation itself.

Noah didn’t build the Ark in a day, so how do we think we are so privileged as to become stronger in a day?

Everything takes time, and if he happens fast I can tell you that I don’t want any parts of it.

Time is of the essence, but it does not mean that we have to rush it. Take the time to work through the steps of healing in an orderly fashion, not putting the cart before the horse.

It’s another way to maintain your strength..

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